Who Qualifies for Home Health Help?

If you believe you qualify for home health care, make an appointment to talk with your physician. He/She will determine if your medical condition justifies home health care. If you do, your doctor will write a home health order.

To qualify, there are two primary requirements:

  1. Your doctor must certify that you need: Intermittent skilled nursing care; Physical therapy; Speech-language pathology services; OR Continued occupational therapy.
  2. You are in a “homebound” status which means it takes considerable and taxing effort to leave your home and requires that you have assistance such as a wheelchair, walker, or special transportation.

What can I do and still be considered home-bound?

You may leave your home for medical treatment or for short, infrequent absences such as attending religious service, but if you regularly leave your home for other reasons then you don’t qualify for coverage by insurance. However, you can still get home health care if you attend adult day care, as long as you receive the home health care services at your residence.

What conditions can lead to needing home health?

There are a variety of common conditions and assistance needs that may prompt a doctor to prescribe home health. These include anything from diabetes care to COPD, from pain management to blood pressure monitoring.